The Middlesteins Imagery

The Middlesteins Imagery

The imagery of Edie’s binge eating

Attenberg narrates, “ Edie had only begun to engage in her flirtation with eating late at night. All day along it was this and that about Meir and Israel…There were leftovers. There was half a loaf of rye bread, and there were so many delicious things to put between two slices of rye bread.” Edie overindulges during her youth; she can hardly restrain her craving. Overeating promotes her overweight condition, which is injurious to her healthiness. Haphazard, day-long eating is not healthy. Youths ought to be educated to eat in moderation to contract the odds of plumpness.

The Imagery of Edie’s insistence to be carried

Attenberg expounds, “ Edie didn’t mean to be a baby about it. She was not a whiner. She just wanted to be carried. She wanted to be carried and cuddled and fed salty liverwurst and red onion on warm rye bread.” The insistence occurs when Edie is a child. Later on, as an adult, Edie undergoes surgeries on her legs. Edie’s legs are problematic from when she is young; hence, she insists on ‘being carried’ to avert excruciating walking. Her cries are indicators of the forthcoming hitches with her legs. Palpably, mobility is problematic for Edie.

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