The Mamba Mentality: How I Play Metaphors and Similes

The Mamba Mentality: How I Play Metaphors and Similes

Biblical references

Bryant explains, “I did Biblical Workouts. I started lifting weights at 17, when I got the NBA. Nothing fancy, just basic, time-tested lifting methods that focused on strengthening one group of muscles at a time.” The allegorical Bible illustrates Bryant’s dedication to orthodox weight-lifting which is contributory to strengthening. The consistent lifting is an important factor in his prowess in basketball.


Bryant elucidates, “My midnight workouts have become a thing of Legend: They were always purposeful. They were born from a mix of obsession and real-world possibilities.” The emblematic legendary illustrates Bryant’s ease with working out at midnight. The workouts emerge naturally for he is dedicated to them.


Bryant elucidates, “Over the meat of my career, whether we were in season or it was summer, I would lift for 90 minutes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.” The emblematic meat relates to the prime phase in Bryant’s vocation as a full-time basketball player. During that phase, summer holidays are not an exemption from weight-lifting.

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