The Magic Toyshop Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Who was Philip and what is his role in the story?

    Philip was the Melanie's uncle with whom she lives along with her siblings, after the death of her parents. Philip was very insecure and selfish man. He had no sympathetic feelings towards Melanie and her siblings despite of having blood relation with them. Her manipulates Melanie and Finn and uses them to achieve his motives. When his puppet show didn't go well, he beat Melanie and Finn. He used to torture Finn for various reasons and he can be described as the antagonist of the story and a person who was sick in the head.

  2. 2

    Why does Melanie leave her home?

    Melanie lives with her nanny Mrs. Rundle while her parents were away in the United States. After the death of her parents, Melanie, Jonathan, and Victoria became orphans so they had to live with their closest blood relatives. Philip was their uncle so they were compelled to leave their castle and their life of fairytale for living with him. Although Melanie's uncle's dwelling place was not worth living for them, they couldn't live in their own home.

  3. 3

    Why does Melanie blame herself for the death of her parents

    Melanie gets the news of her parents' death via telegram, and she blames herself for their death. The night before her parents' death, Melanie wore her mother's wedding dress and goes into the garden. Unfortunately, she locked herself and she couldn't go out without climbing the apple tree. When she was climbing the tree, the wedding dress of her mother tore into pieces and she had to go inside naked. She considers this act as a reason behind her parents' death.

  4. 4

    Who was Margaret and what does she utter at the end of story?

    Margaret was Melanie's aunt and uncle Philip's wife. She was mute but unlike her husband she was very affectionate towards Melanie and her siblings. She helps Victoria and Jonathan in adjusting to their new home. Along with this, she saves Melanie and Finn's life. When Philip sets the house on fire, she screams and eventually speaks to save Melanie from fire. She asks Finn and Melanie to run away from the house in order to start a life together. Without her, Finn won't be able to get Melanie's love.

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