The Little Prince

The Little Prince Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Drawings (Motif)

An important component of the story is drawings provided by the narrator. As he told himself, “Words are the source for misunderstanding.” Sometimes verbal representation is not enough to fully understand the subject matter. These drawings are very simple in their look, but they carry deep meaning for the comprehension of the things they reflect.

Stars (Symbol)

For the pilot, stars come first as a means of navigation, for he looks at them and can orient himself. But after the meeting with the little prince, they acquire more importance for him, as one of the stars is the little prince’s home. Stars symbolize the universe, its mystery, and the unknown for people. The narrator’s final drawing portraying a single star over the lonely desert symbolizes both the little prince’s absence on Earth and his presence in the pilot’s heart and thoughts.

Rose (Symbol)

Another important symbol is the rose - a symbol of love, beauty, and femininity. The little prince did not immediately discern the true inner essence of beauty and was captivated by the rose's appearance and beguiling nature. However, after talking with the fox, he understood that beauty becomes beautiful only when it is filled with meaning.

Water (Symbol)

Water is the symbol of life. It quenches the thirst of people lost in the desert, is the source of everything existing on the earth, is the food and the flesh of everyone, and is the substance that makes revival possible. Also, at the end of the story, water stands as a symbol for spiritual fulfillment.

The Snake (Symbol)

The snake is a classic symbol of the tempter, of Death, of wisdom marred by cunning. The snake in The Little Prince isn't quite as evil as his biblical cousin, but he does offer the prince an easy way out of his misery and is ultimately responsible for his death.