"The Little Knife" and Other Short Stories Characters

"The Little Knife" and Other Short Stories Character List

Nathan Shapiro

Nathan Shapiro is the main protagonist in The Little Knife. He is a ten year-old-boy, and he doesn’t have a good relationship with his father. Nathan enjoys playing baseball with his team and picking shells at the beach. He often cries himself to sleep and apologizes when he does something his father doesn’t like.

Dr. Shapiro

Dr. Shapiro is Nathan’s and Nathan’s little brother, Ricky’s father. He is married to Mrs. Shapiro. He quarrels a lot with his wife and often criticizes everything Nathan does. Dr. Shapiro and Mrs. Shapiro decide to get divorced later on, and it is revealed that The Little Knife takes place during the last summer they still are together.

Mrs. Shapiro

Mrs. Shapiro was married to Dr. Shapiro and is the mother of Ricky and Nathan. Mrs. Shapiro and Dr. Shapiro often argue, as Mrs. Shapiro wishes to be a better person, while Dr. Shapiro pushes her to become a bad person. He wanted her to steal the little knife, as she thought it was beautiful. She refused, which made Dr. Shapiro very angry.

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