The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Metaphors and Similes

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Metaphors and Similes


Kondo recommends, “Don’t try tidying your entire house all at once: ‘Don’t try tidying your entire house all at once. You’ll just rebound. Make a habit of doing a little at a time…Rebound is just want happens. If I tackle the job all at once, I'll get discouraged." The metaphorical rebounding depicts the scenario whereby an individual is disheartened from upholding tidiness because it becomes attainable, especially when there is a lot of stuff to be organized. The rebounding makes tidiness inescapable.


Kondo states, “If I had a time machine now, I’d go back and tell myself, ‘that’s wrong. If you use the right approach, you’ll never rebound.’ ” The emblematic machine accentuates the irreversibility of time. Kondo’s wishes indicate that she would like to reverse time so she can eliminate all the ideologies she held concerning tidiness. However, the reversal is impracticable.


Kondo writes about “ The moment you start you reset your life.” Under the subtopic she explains how tidying can be useful in reorganizing one’s life. Resetting entails reorganization of items which makes it possible for one to smoothly continue with other engagements such as studying. The reorganization clears the clutter which denies one space to study comfortably.

“Vicious Circle”

Kondo states, “ By studying and applying the KonMari Method presented in this book, you can escape the vicious circle of clutter.” The metaphoric circle makes it impossible to clear all the clutter completely. As a result, there is always litter in one’s space. The circle is attributed to lack of awareness on methodologies that can employed when tidying up to ensure that the litter will not build up again.

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