The Last Samurai (2003 Film) Irony

The Last Samurai (2003 Film) Irony

The Samurai

The Samurai, one of the oldest and most old-guard institutions in Japan, believe they must fight to modernize the country, effectively making them obsolete.

Stopping the Samurai

The Samurai, the foremost peacekeeping and law-enforcing organization in Japan, is ordered to be stopped by the government.

The Last Samurai

The title of the film is ironic because, in fact, there are more than one samurai living in the world of the film.

The Bushido code

The Bushido code, which was intended to ensure the lasting of Japanese (and Samurai) culture, was ultimately responsible for the countries defeat in World War II.

The Japanese

The Japanese, who were notoriously closed off to the world, hired an American to train their armies how to fight as well - and as modernly - as possible.

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