The Last Battle Metaphors and Similes

The Last Battle Metaphors and Similes

Exhausted (Metaphor)

When walking near the Coldron Pool, the ape Shift saw a strange object in its waters which caught his attention and he made donkey Puzzle to jump into cold water and fetch him this object. It cost the donkey a lot of strength and fortitude to get it and while in the water he “was almost tired to death and bruised all over and numb with cold”. Cold water was a strong enemy and has almost taken his life away, but Puzzle managed to get the thing out.

A warning (Metaphor)

When the Ape made the coat for the donkey of the lion skin they have found he made the donkey try it on at once. When Puzzle put on the lion-skin coat he could easily be mistaken for a lion and that is when a great idea appeared in the Shift’s head. He offers Puzzle to pretend to be Aslan himself so all the beasts and even the King would listen and obey him. Puzzle found it simply dreadful and at that moment “there came a great thunderclap overhead and the ground trembled with a small earthquake”. Puzzle was terrified, he thought it was a sign, a warning for them, but Shift was sure it is a good sign, from Aslan himself and found nothing dreadful in their deed.

Able to talk again (Metaphor)

The Centaur Roonwit came to the King with news that he was very tired and breathless, and the King told him “when you have found your breath you shall tell us your errand”, he could not find any breath literally, but metaphorically.

Not as expected (Simile)

When the rumor arose that Aslan has come back, strange things started to happen, and King Tirian came to check on one of them. It was that Talking Trees were being felled and sold. The King could not believe in it, but he remembers that all the stories call Aslan not a tame lion, so he did not know what could be expected from an untamed animal, as Tirian says “it is as if the sun rose one day and were a black sun”. his adviser Jewel, a unicorn, says “it is as if you drank water and it were dry water”.

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