The Killer Angels Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the irony of the Killer Angels?

    The reader at first associates the angels with saints. However, as the narration begins, the reader is shocked to realize that the soldiers who are referred to as angels are nothing but callous killers. The perceived angels are depicted as cutthroats by the author. The battlefield is referred to as catastrophic by the author to paint a picture of what drives the soldiers to be angel killers.

  2. 2

    What tactic is employed by the soldiers to ensure that they are well prepared for the battle against the enemy?

    Through the imagery of sight, the author argues that the soldiers often climb the mountain to get a better view of the enemy before they strike. The hilly battlefield provides a modest edge for the soldiers. To ensure that they are not spotted, the soldier camouflage to look like the surroundings. These strategies are meant to ensure that they ambush the enemy when he least expects.

  3. 3

    What is the main theme in The Killer Angels?

    Throughout the story, the author has put more focus on the impact of war and slavery which emerge as the main theme. The reader can precisely see that war and slavery are intertwined in the story. For instance, the authorities have categorized people according to race. The inferior race is accused of escalating the war. Slaves are often punished even when they commit minor mistakes. Michael Shaara is putting across a message that condemns slavery.

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