The Journey of Ibn Fattouma Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the effect of having a first-person narrator?

    By having a first-person narrator, Naguib Mahfouz allows the reader to gain direct access to Ibn Fattouma's thoughts. In doing so, the reader is able to fully understand the struggles of his society as well as the true reasoning behind the vital necessity of his journey. This allows for a far more provocative and engaging story, that connects with readers on a much deeper level by draw parallels to their own lives, making them more empathetic to Ibn Fattouma as a result.

  2. 2

    What does the novel imply about corruption?

    Throughout the novel, Mahfouz suggests that a society that is full on corruption is one that should be avoided. Instead, he implies that we should instead search for peace and happiness as well as ordered structure. This is shown through Ibn Fattouma's journey, as while he is on his quest, he discovers the various other societal structures that exist, which are free of corruption.

  3. 3

    Why does Ibn Fattouma repeatedly have to search for love?

    As a result of his newly open-minded outlook on life, Ibn Fattouma constantly falls in love with many of the beautiful women that he lays his eyes on during his travels. However, as Ibn Fattouma possesses very little power in the societies that he travels through, he has to give up the women that he falls in love with to much more wealthy and powerful men. Therefore, Ibn Fattouma spends much of his journey searching for new women whom he can love and adore as his previous lovers have all been taken away from him.

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