The Invisible Man


  1. ^ Westfahl, Gary, ed. (2009). The Science of Fiction and the Fiction of Science: Collected Essays on SF Storytelling and the Gnostic Imagination. Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy. McFarland & Company. p. 41. ISBN 978-0786437221.
  2. ^ a b Wells, H. G. (1897). "Epilogue". The Invisible Man. London: C. Arthur Pearson Ltd. The covers are weather-worn and tinged with an algal green--for once they sojourned in a ditch and some of the pages have been washed blank by dirty water.
  3. ^ Wells 1996, p. xv.
  4. ^ Wells 1996, p. xviii.
  5. ^ Wells 2017a, p. xvii.
  6. ^ Wells 1996, p. xxix.
  7. ^ Wells, H.G. (2017b). The Time Machine and The Invisible Man. Race Point Publishing. p. xvi.

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