The Hungry Tide

The Hungry Tide Irony

Nirmal's inequality with Nilima (Situational Irony)

Situational irony is an occurrence at odds with the reader’s or audience’s expectation. One example is Nirmal’s focus on his own ambitions and needs over Nilima’s, despite his professed ideals of equality. One might expect Nirmal to have an especially equal marriage because of his values, but in fact, the opposite is true.

The capitalist's success with socialism (Situational Irony)

A similar example of irony occurs when Nirmal and Nilima realize that Sir Daniel Hamilton, a wealthy man they dismiss as a capitalist and colonist, was able to create a more just and equal society than they have, despite their Marxism. Again, one might expect the Marxists to practice equality, but in reality, Sir Daniel was able to do so more effectively.

Piya's name (Situational Irony)

Another example of situational irony could be Piya’s name—Kanai, and perhaps the reader, expects someone named Piyali Roy, a Bengali name, to have at least a basic understanding of the Bengali language, but Piya doesn’t.

Piya and Fokir's illusion of safety (Dramatic Irony)

Dramatic irony happens when a character’s understanding of their situation contrasts with the reader’s knowledge of their situation. One example is Piya and Fokir not knowing about the impending storm while they are out on the water. Though they believe themselves to be safe, they’re actually in grave danger, and the other characters are trying to rescue them.