The House of Life Literary Elements

The House of Life Literary Elements

Speaker or Narrator, and Point of View

The poem entitled "The Cloud Confines’’ is told from the perspective of a third person objective point of view.

Form and Meter

The poem "Autumn Song’’ is written in an iambic pentameter.

Metaphors and Similes

In the poem ‘’Through Death to Love’’, the ever present threat of death is compared with a cloud which covers the moon completely and plunges the whole world into darkness. This comparison is used here to transmit the idea that death is something which can’t be avoided and also an event which more than often comes quickly and without any type of warning.

Alliteration and Assonance

We find alliteration in the lines "Of weary eyelids overweigh'd/ The pain nought else might yet relieve’’ in the poem entitled "My Sister’s Sleep’’.


In the poem ‘’’’Life-in-Love’’ the narrator discusses in the first stanza the uncertain nature of human life and how a person’s life is filled more than often by problems and pain. Despite this description, in the second stanza, the narrator claims that life is beautiful because it is made to be as such by love. Thus, the first stanza is an ironic one considering the overall conclusion of the poem.


The poem entitled "Autumn Song’’ is a meditative poem through which the narrator analyzes the way in which humans age and their feelings when they realize they near the end of their life.


The action in the poem ‘’Through Death to Love’’ takes place during a night, on a field.


The tone used in the poem ‘’The Cloud Confines’’ is a dark and depressing one, fitting the theme of death presented in the poem.

Protagonist and Antagonist

In the poem ‘’Aspecta Medusa for a Drawing’’ the protagonists are Andromeda and Perseus while the antagonist is Medusa.

Major Conflict

The major conflict in the poem ‘’The Cloud Confines’’ is between the natural desire human possess to learn as much as possible and the impossibility of finding answers to most of the questions posed by humanity.


The poem ‘’Insomnia’’ reaches its climax when the narrator and his lover go on separate ways and the long nights filled with restlessness begins.


No foreshadowing can be found in any of the poems.


In the first stanza of the poem ‘’My Sister’s Sleep’’, the narrator claims that his younger sister only felt asleep on Christmas Eve and that nothing more serious took place. This however is an understatement as in the next stanzas the narrator admits his sister died unfortunately and then goes to explain how her death affected his family.


One of the allusions made in ‘’My Sister’s Sleep’’ is the idea that death is just a sleep, thus implying that there is no afterlife.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The term ‘’soul’’ is used in many of the poems as a general term to make reference to the inner feelings and sentiments a person many have but decide to keep hidden for various reasons.


We find a personification in the line ‘’ languid grief’’ in the poem ‘’Autumn Song’’.


We find a hyperbole in the poem ‘’Insomnia’’ in the lines "Melts to bright air that breathes no pain,/ Where water leaves no thirst again’’.


We find and onomatopoeia in the poem ‘’The Cloud Confines’’ in the line "morning song in the light’’.

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