The House Behind the Cedars Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Rena unwilling to acknowledge her black heritage?

    Rena as do some of the black people in this novel is unwilling to acknowledge the fact that her mother is black. The major reason that drives Rena to the extent of hiding her black heritage follows from the fear that she would not have the same opportunities as do the white folks. This proves quite true when George breaks off his engagement to her following his knowledge of her black descent, the knowledge that Rena’s mother is black. Hiding her identity as a black person becomes her only hope for a future of opportunities. Her brother John becomes successful through employing such deceitful measures about his heritage as well.

  2. 2

    How is ill-fated love brought out in the novel?

    It all begins with Frank Fowler who does not quite gather the strength to admit that he is in love with Rena and when she leaves, he becomes regretful. After George and Rena fall in love, the relationship does not work out as George breaks off the relationship after discovering that Rena’s mother is black. Later, after Rena dies, George comes to profess his love for her. Becomes most of these characters don’t get their love, it can be argued that these are all instances of ill-fated love.

  3. 3

    How is deception presented in this novel?

    Deception is presented in this work as a major determinant towards the survival of the minority groups, that is, the black people. For instance, John, Rena’s brother can rise through the ranks to become a successful lawyer by lying about his heritage. Rena also follows suit in this deceptive tendency as she does not reveal the fact that her mother is black, a decision that costs her, her relationship with George. Deception is thus brought out as a way through which these characters can open a world of possibilities that would otherwise be unattainable.

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