The Hero With a Thousand Faces Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Discuss the monomyth motif in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

    Campbell employs the monomyth, which is essentially a world-recognized formula for mythology that he develops from global history and culture. In this motif, one of the formulas is the hero’s journey, which involves following the hero, whether male or female, through their quest as they fight a series of magical tries. After winning, the hero then comes back with the power to ‘bestow boons on his fellow men.’

  2. 2

    Discuss adventure as a means of growth as brought out in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces.

    In the book, the hero’s journey begins in the ordinary world from which he has to depart following an interest or call to adventure. In this line, the hero has to, therefore, depart from this ordinary world into some other world through the crossing of a border with the help of a mentor. After doing so, the hero will then end up in a supernatural world devoid of prevailing laws. He will then embark on the road of trials where he will be tested and helped by allies. After winning, the hero will then be given a reward. The hero might then use this reward to improve the natural world. Through the hero’s adventure, he can acquire a reward that they can use in their ordinary world for their betterment. Hence adventure also acts as a means of growth.

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