The Great Dictator


The Great Dictator influenced numerous directors, such as Stanley Kubrick, Mel Brooks, Wes Anderson, and Chuck Jones and inspired such films as The Dictator (2012), The Interview (2014), and Jojo Rabbit (2019).

Sean McArdle and Jon Judy's Eisner Award-nominated comic book The Führer and the Tramp is set during the production of The Great Dictator.[63]

The final speech of the film has been sampled in more than 40 songs,[64] artists such as Coldplay and U2 have played the speech during live shows,[65] and coffee company Lavazza used it in a television advertisement.[66]

During Gorbachev's Perestroyka in the USSR (late 1980s, ended with the downfall of the USSR and its version of Communism in 1991), a black-and-white movie named The Confession was created by a team of Georgians, with primary soundtrack being Georgian, and the Russian soundtrack being secondary "double". The movie was more-or-less directly modeled after The Great Dictator, bearing hardcore anti-Stalinism bias. The dictator protagonist "batono Varlam" (Georgian: "comrade Varlam") was chosen to be facially similar to Lavrenty Beria, the notorious national security minister of late Stalin. The movie, which started the wave of anti-Stalinism in Soviet media and all over the country, is considered to be one of the major milestones of Perestroyka. It was also extremely important that the authors were Georgians, since both Stalin and Beria were Georgians themselves.

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