The Godfather 2

The Godfather 2 Glossary


Italian word for fellow countryman


A title referring to a higher-up in Italian organized crime


An adviser to a mafia boss

Banana daquiri

A Caribbean rum drink made with bananas

Fifth Amendment

An amendment to the constitution that grants someone testifying in court immunity from making any statements that will incriminate themselves.


A made member of an Italian crime family

Roman Legions

The hierarchical ancient Roman army


An idiot, a sucker

Small pox

A highly contagious and deadly virus that is no longer a threat because of vaccines

Black Hand

An early American mafia outfit

Cuban Revolution

The revolution that overthrew the US-installed dictator Fulgencio Batista and installed a communist government, led by Fidel Castro

Hail Mary

A short Catholic prayer


A pregnancy that fails for biological reasons


An artificially-induced end to a pregnancy


The head of an Italian mafia family


Italian for street festival, often to celebrate a patron saint

First Communion

A holy rite of passage in the Catholic religion inducting children as members of the church


An ordered murder


In terms of the mafia, this is someone who does the dirty work like hits and robberies

Plea deal

A bargain that someone under criminal indictment agrees to that often states he will cooperate with investigators in exchange for a lighter sentence