The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? Irony

The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? Irony

Martin not understanding why he needed help

Martin says that being with Sylvia made her happy. Unlike other people who had been part of help group, for him it was not a coping mechanism. He couldn’t understand that if he likes it then why is he supposed to look for help. This is allegory for the conformity one is expected to follow. What is ironical is that, when one likes something that is considered taboo by majority, one is expected to get cured of it anyhow even if it makes that person happy.

"Notes toward a definition of tragedy"

The subtitle of the play, ‘Notes toward a definition of tragedy’, alludes to how the definition of a tragedy changes from classical Greek drama to modern drama. Though the play follows the classical format of a Greek tragedy of three unities, it becomes a tragedy as not only Sylvia dies in the body, but the happy household of Martin also dies. It is ironical as the catharsis defined in the classical definition is not easy for the audience to experience since the subject of bestiality is taboo.

Ross’s 'help'

Ross claims to be helping Martin and Stevie by revealing Martin’s actions to Stevie. However, Ross’s revelation appears to cause more destruction. Martin says to him that situation could have been dealt with in a better way had Ross not interfered

Pretense of normalcy

When Ross catches Billy kissing Martin, Martin tries to defend the whole incestuous situation as normal by narrating a father getting aroused by his own toddler, signaling heavily that it was Martin who is the father in the story. Billy appears to be consoled by the story, but appears disturbed later upon realizing that Martin is describing his own incident, and is consoled when Martin lies. It is the pretense of normalcy than reality that is important for him to live peacefully.

Martin calling Billy a 'faggot', but is okay with his own bestiality

Martin appears as a hypocrite who calls his son’s homosexuality as a phase, and believes that he might be cured when he meets the right girl. He later calls him a ‘faggot’, but at the same time he defends his acts of bestiality as love, claiming that he had Sylvia’s consent, who is a goat and couldn’t have been capable of consenting.

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