The Fun They Had

What is the similarities of our real society vs the society of the story?

Similarities of the book society vs our society?

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Like our society, Margie and Tommy live in a world governed by the use of technology. Books are no longer printed on paper. School lessons are taught by a mechanical teacher—a robot—who personalizes the lessons to each student's level. Children enter their homework and tests in a punch code to be submitted into the robot's slot. All of this technology is a fact of life in Tommy and Margie's world. Ostensibly these innovations were made in the pursuit of progress. But what progress has really been achieved? Is Margie's life any better for the use of all this technology? Margie's dislike of her education, and her longing for low-tech schools of the past, suggest a critique of the pursuit of scientific advancement without consideration of social and communal life. Technology has made Margie's life lonelier, not better. We can see shades of this in our society right now.

The similarities to their world and our world are that they had a book that tells us that the schools are like what they are right now they had homework and tests

They still went to school, they still had old books, they still use lots of technology, they still get homework an tests and the book told them that there was schools which they still had