The Four Loves Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does C.S. Lewis use the literary device of imagery in his book?

    Love is used as an ingenious image of intimacy in the book The Four Loves. For instance, Lewis refers to the third type of love as Eros which precisely paints a visual depiction of erotic intimacy to the reader. This type of love is experienced between individuals possessing unique feelings for each other. A perfect illustration of erotic intimacy is between people of the opposite sex that are looking forward to forming a permanent relationship.

  2. 2

    What is the symbolic m meaning of Eros?

    The author categorizes Eros as the third type of love which represents bodily affection. Readers can associate Eros to romance because the author further associates it with the goddess of romance. The author depicts Cupid as the complete opposite of Eros because it is the goddess of sensuality.

  3. 3

    What are the four types of love according to Lewis in his book The Four Loves?

    According to Lewis, many people misconstrue the definition of love because they view it from one outlook which is affection. Lewis offers various perspectives in which love can be defined to broaden its meaning. He categorizes love into four categories namely, Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge. These four types of love are clearly illustrated in the Holy Book. These terms are mentioned in Greek where Agape represents given love while the rest of the terminologies represent natural love.

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