The Forever War Irony

The Forever War Irony

Who are the aliens?

William and the rest of the chosen recruits set out to a planet they were told Taurans have built a base to attack them. Upon the first encounter with the species, things aren’t as expected. Taurans and the bear-like animals don’t attack them, seemingly just observing them. As the attack starts, Taurans only run to escape not fighting back. The UNEF recruits have a belief programmed into them that they are defending the human race against the aliens, but on this far away planet the question rises who the aliens are, and who is a threat to whom.

Situational irony-the ending

There is a huge plot-twist revealed at the end that Taurans were actually never a threat to humanity, but the other way around. UNEF and corrupted government took advantage of this discovery of alien life to create an everlasting war for financial profit. This unexpected turn of events at the end falls into situational irony.

Homosexuality-a cure for overpopulation

The novel brings out the idea that the cure to end overpopulation and famine on Earth is the encouragement of homosexuality. It goes as far as heterosexuality being looked down upon to even punished, i.e. alluding to the treatment of homosexuality through history. Nevertheless, this messaging in the novel supports the problematic argument that homosexuality is a choice, and therefore further demonizing it.

Situational irony-William and Marygay, separating and reuniting

The separation of William and Marygay on the planet called Heaven is an unexpected turn of events and falls into situational irony. The romance between the two is present, but in the background, not the focal point. They separate without hope of ever seeing each other again. Unexpectedly again, they reunite on a planet called Middle Finger.

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