The Figure in the Carpet Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Corvick agitated with the narrator?

    Corvick requested the narrator to review the novel written by Hugh Vereker. Ironically, the narrator forgot that he had promised to review the book and diverted his attention to pursuing a beautiful woman called Erme. Erme is young, successful, and very beautiful. Therefore, the narrator forgets to fulfill his promise to Corvick because he found a new adventure in Erme and decided to pursue her fully. However, the narrator later finds time and reviews the novel as promised.

  2. 2

    What is the main theme in ‘The Figure in the Carpet by Henry James?

    The book's main theme is the literature's evaluation and critique. The entire book is about the review of the latest novel by Vereker by the narrator. The narrator is approached by Corvick and requested to evaluate the novel and identify the mistakes that should be removed for it to be refined. During the literary review, the narrator notices several errors that divert the author's attention from the main issues. Later, the narrator schedules a meeting with Corvick in which he highlights the key points that must be considered to refine Vereker's latest novel.

  3. 3

    Why is the narrator comparing Vereker’s latest novel to the figure in the carpet?

    After critiquing Vereker's latest novel, he realizes that the author's intention contradicts his intention. The narrator's confrontation with this momentous element of literary criticism motivates him to critique the novel further. The narrator's expectation is not made, and he realizes that Vereker's novel is not like a shadow because it is not coherent with his intention. Therefore, the narrator compares Vereker's novel to the figure in the carpet because it is not coherent with the author's intentions.

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