The Eye of the World Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Eye of the World Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Rand’s sword

Rand’s sword, that has a heron mark on it, is a reminder of his father. The sword has a much greater meaning than what Rand assumes, and it protects him by setting him apart from a common villager. The sword is a symbol of great strength and abilities, and it foreshadows Rand’s great purpose.

The wheel of time

“The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.”

The wheel of time in the novel represents the entire structure of world building, the entire world is built around the idea of the wheel turning. When the wheel turns, a new age begins and the old one ends. The wheel weaves patterns that are interconnected, the past influences the present and the future.

The Eye

The eye of the world represents the greatest power that can defeat the Dark One. It is hidden in a secluded area called Blight, it is a rotting place filled with the touch of the Dark One. In the midst of it, the eye is protected by the Green Man. Rand uses the eye at the end to defeat Ba'alzamon and his trolloc army, and rescue his friends.

The One Power

The One Power represents the magic system of the novel. It is divided into two: saidar and saidin. Saidar represents the female power and saidin the male. Only women are able to channel through saidar without destroying themselves, while saidan has been tainted by the Dark One. While saidar is the driving force of the world, only a chosen saidan can bring complete peace to it.

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