The Dressmaker (Novel) Literary Elements

The Dressmaker (Novel) Literary Elements


Gothic novel

Setting and Context

This novel is set in a town called Dungatar in Australia.

Narrator and Point of View

The novel is told from a third-person perspective.

Tone and Mood

The tone of the novel is often dark but is also sometimes comedic.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist of the novel is Tilly Dunnage, and the antagonists are the townsfolk who are cruel towards Tilly.

Major Conflict

The major conflict of the novel is Tilly's return home.


The climax of the novel is when Tilly burns down the town.


The town is described as a "dark blot" foreshadowing the dark events that will take place there.


Tilly is harshly understated by her hometown.


Shakespeare's play Macbeth is alluded to in this novel.


Imagery is used to describe Tilly's beautiful dresses, emphasizing her dressmaking skills: "Striking green gown."


Tilly is not accepted by the townsfolk despite her incredible success as a dressmaker.



Metonymy and Synecdoche



The beacon is described as "winking from the home of Mad Molly."

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