The Division of Labor in Society Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Discuss the theme of cohesion in the book ‘The Division of Labor in Society by Emile Durkheim’?

    The author compares the unity of the people in ancient times to the modern era. During the primitive age, there was no technology, and there was no division of labor. Therefore, the ancient culture capitalized on the power-driven commonality. For instance, people worked in shifts on various farms. The reader realizes that ancient society was more cohesive and bound by societal ethics, principles, and ideals.

    On the other hand, contemporary society is characterized by carbon-based camaraderie. For instance, division of labor is a common trait in modern society. People with different professions work in various fields to achieve common goals. However, the author argues that the increase in dependable tasks might weaken societal cohesion in the future.

  2. 2

    Why is the author metaphorically saying that division of labor is a brutalizing aspect of society?

    The author compares how work was done in primitive society and modern society. Sadly, the author notes that division of labor does not consider the interest of the workers. In ancient culture, people used to work in groups because they were passionate about what they were doing. On the contrary, the division of labor in factories has eliminated human interest in work. The primary goal of factories where the division of labor is mostly practiced is to achieve productivity results. Therefore, people are forced to work majorly to deliver but not to achieve satisfaction.

  3. 3

    How does the author distinguish between repressive and restrictive laws practiced in the two described societies?

    The ancient society practiced suppressive law. For instance, any person who went against the set traditional rules and ethical standards was punitively punished upfront. People in the primitive community were expected to strictly adhere to the established rules, morals, and values. Consequently, going against any of the set rules was disgracing the coexistence of the entire society. On the other side, the restrictive law is applied by contemporary society. The restrictive law aims not to punish the perpetrators but to build destroyed relationships through courts of justice.

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