The Da Vinci Code Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the novel’s title?

    The Da Vinci Code being alluded to by the novel title is part of the book’s plot involving some of the famous works of noted polymath, Leonardo da Vinci. In the novel Harvard professor and famed “symbologist” Robert Langdon and French cryptologist Sophie Neveu are tasked to work together to investigate a murder. In their investigation they uncover cryptic riddles that are ultimately linked to clues concealed within the works of Da Vinci.

  2. 2

    What does Red symbolize in the novel?

    The color red is a recurring motif in the novel and it typically alludes to blood and the many associations with linked with blood. The cryptographer Sophie Neveu sports naturally red hair and it is used as a foreshadowing device hinting at her divine bloodline. Mary Magdalene is later revealed as possessing similarly colored hair in a painting of the Last Supper. Blood is likewise symbolic of many things in the novel and is used as a plot device. Blood is symbolic of truth and/or the revelation of truth. Saunière is found with a pentacle drawn on his abdomen. The image is drawn with his own blood.This is a clue that he leaves behind for his cryptographer granddaughter, symbolic of the Catholic Church’s attempt to conceal the truth that Jesus had left human progeny behind. The assassin Silas thinks of blood—specifically the shedding of blood through self-inflicted harm—as a means of cleansing himself of sin and impurities.

  3. 3

    How is the theme of the supposed conflict between faith and knowledge discussed in the novel?

    The author posits that the contention between faith and knowledge, especially as it relates to faith in God, is incorrectly applied in that many seem to think that to believe in God one must be ignorant of truth and scientific evidence. This schism between the church and science is manifested in Bishop Aringarosa, who staunchly refuses to take part in forensic investigations. The author is quite critical of the Catholic Church specifically, accusing the organization as intentionally enforcing or encouraging its members to be afraid of asking critical questions about their faith. Prof. Langdon is the author’s in-novel mouthpiece where he enforces this viewpoint. He (Langdon) states that a believer’s faith in God can withstand the questions that are thrown at it.

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