The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What makes robots inferior to human beings according to Lem?

    The book shows that robots have superhuman abilities and they can do greater things at a faster rate than a normal human being. However, the author is quick to demonstrate that despite the superhuman abilities of the robots, they are not superior to men. The robots are created by man and this implies that there is no way they can become gods to humanity. The mythological relationship between humans and robs is that robots are controlled by men. Human beings are responsible for the actions of robots and not vice versa.

  2. 2

    How can human life be boring and unattractive according to the author of The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age?

    According to the author, one thing that makes life meaningful to human beings is entertainment. Humor makes people energized and have the reason to look forward to another day. In his narrations, Stanislaw indicates that robots are tailored to do things that make man happy besides making work easier. Therefore, humans who make robots are not only focused on their capability to perform multiple tasks but also making them fun to work with to make life interesting.

  3. 3

    How does the author use the literary devise personification in his fictional work?

    The reader realizes that the robots under discussion are given human abilities. One of the differences between these robots and human beings is that they are controlled by man. The hierarchy and functionality of the robots resemble those of human beings. For instance, the robots can take instructions as human beings and they can respond by way of signs and evening speaking as programmed.

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