The Country Husband Quotes


The realization of how many years had passed since he had enjoyed being deliberately impolite sobered him.


It is not a secret that every member of a society should obey its rules; otherwise, they are going to be outcasts. It wouldn’t be the whole truth to say that Francis had never enjoyed the benefits of his not so low social status, but even good things could bore to death . He genuinely liked his friends and neighbors, for there were “ brilliant and gifted people ”, but there were also “ bore and fools ” whom he couldn’t stand. He could continue to carry on like that if his midlife crisis wouldn’t hit him so hard. Only then did he realize “ how many years had passed since he had enjoyed being deliberately impolite sobered him .”

I think people ought to be able to dream big dreams about the future. I think people ought to be able to dream great dreams.


Not everyone dreams about a glamorous life full of parties, socializing, luxurious things and whatnot because for them it not “ healthy .” Clayton disapproves of the way people in Sandy Hill “ clutter up their lives .” According to him, it is just wasting of energy , because for Clayton it is important “ to be able to dream big dreams about the future. ” It might seem that Clayton is rather naïve and he doesn’t know a thing about a life, but this idealism is an important stage in a life of every young person!

And who is it that tells you what time to get up in the morning and when to go to bed at night?


How often do we take attention and care of our loved ones for granted? Unfortunately, more often than not, people tend to forget how important it is to value every good thing which is done for us. Francis is so immersed into his crisis that he forgets how much time and strengths Julia puts in their marriage. If it were not for her, his “neckties would be greasy” and his “ clothing would be full of moth holes”, but Francis fails to notice that. Not to mention, that it is Julia who tells Francis “ what time to get up in the morning and when to go to bed at night ”. It would be a mistake to consider Francis the only one who is guilty, for Julia is not flawless too, but this unwillingness to notice how much is done for him says a lot about Francis as a person.

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