The Country Girls Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Country Girls Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Sexual Liberation Motif

The girls both explore their sexuality and enjoy a variety of sexual experiences as they get to know their own selves better. This is a constant motif throughout the novel; they have been to all intents and purposes repressed in both what they have physically been permitted to do and also what they have been told repeatedly that "nice girls" are able to do as well. As women out in the world they understand inherently that there is an complete imbalance in the way that men and women are permitted to behave, and also an imbalance in the way in which the same behaviors are viewed when it comes to each gender.

By meeting many new people, the girls not only learn a great deal about themselves but also find that at times they stray a long way from each other. This is also a frequent motif in the book as the main differences between the friends occur as a result of their either having met someone that they want to spend all of their time with, or having met someone that the other does not like.

Eugene's Contact with his Wife Symbol

Eugene and his wife are estranged but this does not stop Eugene contacting her frequently whilst he is involved with Kate. This is a symbol of his still being emotionally involved with his wife, and also of the way in which he views Kate as a temporary fling and not as a life partner.

Eugene Being Married Symbol

Eugene is estranged from his wife but nonetheless stil married. At the same time, Kate wants him to share her religious convictions whilst wanting him to commit himself to her forever. This would involve divorcing his wife which would contravene one of the tenets of Kate's church. This symbolizes the way in which she is conflicted between what she wants to do and what she has been raised to do.

London Symbol

London is a symbol of the big, wide world, and of the opportunities that the girls are missing by continuing to live in Ireland where their opportunities for empowerment are severely limited. Deciding to go to London is a symbol of the girls deciding to take control of their own lives and strike out on their own.

Country Girls Symbol

By referring to the girls as "country girls" the author is reminding us of the way in which they were raised and the very limited horizons that they have had up until the point of their leaving for the city.

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