The Consolidator Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Defoe illustrate that unity is strength?

    ‘The Consolidator’ is an illusory novel and it talks about enigmatic mortals that have the power to fly. These creatures carry the vehicle called ‘Consolidator’. The wings of these creatures are symbolic and they each carry a legislator. These lawmakers must work with unity during legislature to ensure that they agree on all aspects. For instance, if the law makers on either side legislate and pass bills together, the consolidator arrives safely on the moon. The author of this fictional novel insists on the significance of working together and combining effects to gain higher levels of excellence.

  2. 2

    Is Defoe mocking the political class in the novel ‘The Consolidator’?

    Critical analysis of ‘The Consolidator’ reveals that the author is talking about the political environments of Europe and China. The two countries are competitors in many aspects but they also work together to safeguard their interests. The creatures with two wings are symbolically used by the author to represent China and Europe. Consequently, the author argues that the differences between Europe and China are due to lack of cooperation and unity. However, the author is sure that if the politicians in these two countries work together, they will fly to higher levels of success.

  3. 3

    Is Daniel Defoe an idealist?

    Defoe wrote the novel ‘The Consolidator’ in the 17th century where he argued that he travelled to the moon using the consolidator. The reader finds this satirical because there were rockets during that time to enable the author to get to the moon. However, in his fiction, Defoe narrates how he arrived at the moon. Therefore, Defoe is an idealist man who did the impossible in his fiction but his prediction came to pass because at last man visited the moon using the rocket. Defoe is an inspiration to many because he dreams of the impossible which will come to reality at some point in future.

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