The Conscious Lovers Imagery

The Conscious Lovers Imagery

The way men are supposed to act

The play centers around the actions taken by different men in order to avoid getting married to someone they do not want to get married. Even though Bevil Jr. did not agree with his father’s decision, he was still expected to respect it and not show any type of displeasures. In public, Bevil Jr. did just that, behaving in the way his father wanted him. In private however, Bevil Jr. let his feelings out, crying and lamenting his state. These two instances portray Bevil Jr. and the men of the age as being afraid to express their emotions, especially if that meant admitting they are feeling sad or depressed. Instead, the characters put on a façade and go on with their lives, as if nothing of great importance happened to them.

Seduced by money

An important image appears in the scene where Phillis has a conversation with another servant, Tom. During this conversation, Tom tries to seduce Phillis and also to convince her to deliver a letter from his master to her mistress. Initially, Phillis refuses only to accept later when she sees the money she is offered. This image is important because it shows just how much power money had in the lives of the characters. No matter how hard a person tried to maintain their good intentions and their innocence, in the end they were all seduced by money and by the power it brought to people.

Tyrant men

While women are usually portrayed in the play as being saints, people who could do no wrong, the men are described more than often as being tyrants, willing to do everything just to have their way. One of these tyrants was Indiana’s uncle who punished her for not accepting his affections by making sure she will have no money left. This action portrays him as a cruel person, who doesn’t care how much those around him suffer as long as he feels that justice had been served.

Vulnerable women

An important imagery appears during Bevil Jr.’s description of the woman he loves, Indiana. She is described in this instance as a vulnerable person, someone who can be easily manipulated and fooled because she does not have a male guardian to take care of her. This happens to her after her adoptive father dies and this portrayal has the purpose of showing just how vulnerable the women of the time were when they had no male protector in their lives.

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