The Confusions of Young Torless Literary Elements

The Confusions of Young Torless Literary Elements


Fictional novel

Setting and Context

The novel is set in a military boarding school in Hrance (Contemporary-day Czech Republic).

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is awestruck, and the mood is insightful.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Torless is the main character in the novel.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is that Torless is in disagreement with his sexuality and identity. Torless believes that he is homosexual because he does not have feelings for the opposite sex. His feelings strongly conflict with the societal standards of morality.


The climax is when Torless participates in raping Basin, a fellow male student who stole from him and his two friends. Finally, Torless proves to himself that his sexual preference is homosexuality.


The end of Torless theatrical adventure in the boarding school is foreshadowed by his decision to dehumanize Basini.


Torless's parents understate his behavior. Despite knowing that he disagrees with them in most aspects of life, they do not know he is homosexual.


The story alludes to the challenges children go through as they try to discover their sexuality and identity.


The imagery of sexuality dominates most sections of the book because Torless is struggling to understand his identity. Throughout the text, the reader sees how Torless is confused with societal expectations about morality and sexuality.


The main paradox is that Torless is dismissed from school because he is too smart to attend a normal education curriculum. The headmaster decides to dismiss Torless from the school after concluding the Basini incident and finding that Torless is innocent.


Torless perception of life and sexuality parallels societal expectations about morality.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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