The Coming Metaphors and Similes

The Coming Metaphors and Similes

A symphony of suffering

People that were taken from their homes and captured and chained inside the ship travelling to the new world slowly lose hope of ever returning home again. Their suffering is incomprehensible, so much so that a lot of them see death as an escape, as relief from pain. It is described as a symphony of suffering and death, a melody of sorrow and grief, by those whose only desire is to escape the shackles and enter the realm of everlasting peace.

The bright sun

When the ship arrives to the new land, and captured people observe it, they notice its greenery and the beaming sun that shines brightly like a proud parent over obedient child, radiating light in every direction. This beauty of the land is in stark contrast with the gruesomeness of people inhabiting it.


As the number of them dwindles, captured African people begin to feel the pain, the agony which takes over like a disease with no cure. It becomes a part of the body itself and if one forgets it, it soon lives again with the help of memory.

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