The Coming Plague Irony

The Coming Plague Irony

Irony of deliberate exposure

When it comes to deliberate exposure to diseases, Garrett points out the irony. She comments on the fact that parents in first world countries will deliberately expose their children to diseases like chickenpox, but that in third world countries these diseases lead to the deaths of many children and are avoided.

Irony of development

Ironically, Garrett shows how the progression of infrastructure and economies can actually lead to the development and acceleration of epidemics. This is because it can lead to a disruption in the ecosystem.

The irony of social issues

Garrett exposes the irony in countries ignoring social issues. Ironically, if world leaders ignore social issues and environmental issues, it makes epidemics much more likely to happen, leading to more issues in the long-term.

Irony of bacteria

Garrett discusses the differences between microbes and bigger creatures. She says that although bacteria are as small, they ironically have the strength to kill creatures much bigger than themselves.

The human cause of epidemics

Epidemics are commonly thought of as being a natural phenomenon. However, in this text, Garrett shows that ironically epidemics are often caused by human behavior.

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