The Color of Magic Themes

The Color of Magic Themes


The main theme of the novel is the theme of imagination. Not only with the novel’s self-aware, metaphysical elements, where the imagination is discussed as an important part of the world, prominently in the section of the novel where Rincewind and Twoflower are taken to the real world, aboard a plane to the States, and they suddenly lose their memory of Discworld, with the narrator’s discussion about parallel universes, but also in the set up of the story and the magic system itself. Magic is based on imagination, spells are a part of the imagination, and are easily lost out of magician’s mind.

Money and class

The novel explores the social themes, like class, money and position in society among other things as well. The role of money in the Discworld is shown realistically, where the highly unrealistic characters show realistic reactions to the sight of money. Twoflower, upon his arrival to Ankh-Morpork immediately becomes a target of greed and ill intent. Speaking of Twoflower, he shows an important difference in social classes varying depending on the place of stay. He refers to himself as a beggar, having only the perspective of Agatean Empire where he came from, but in Ankh-Morkpork his money is something unseen of. People are baffled by the gold coins he carelessly throws around. In other words, it’s not about how much money he has to spend, but where he finds himself to spend it.


Rincewind is a wizard, but that is barely his main trait. He is an unsuccessful wizard, not knowing any spells and being seen as a joke by others. On the other hand, what makes Rincewind extraordinary is not his magic, but his perseverance and wit. He doesn’t rely on magic, but on his eagerness to survive and quick thinking which enables him to outwit Death.

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