The Chinese Groove Themes

The Chinese Groove Themes

Expectations vs. Reality

The overarching theme driving the narrative engine of this novel is that of high expectations coming into conflict with harsh realities. The protagonist is a young Chinese who comes to San Francisco ostensibly for a very short stay with relatives. In addition to having complete confidence that he will be able to charm his rich relatives into extending his stay, he is also filled with dreams of America fueled by massive disinformation supplied by a clueless friend. Said friend has informed the protagonist—who has earned the nickname Shelly after the poet courtesy of the English teacher with whom he is love—that poets in America drive fast cars, live in big houses, and hold revered status in society. All these lofty expectations hit the hard rock of reality.

Immigrant Illusions

An offshoot of the expectations versus reality theme is the very specific chasm existing between immigrant hopes for the American Dream and the truth. The idea that poets are rich and famous and respected in America is, of course, patently absurd. Not so absurd are Shelley's expectations about immigrant success in the country. He arrives in San Francisco for a definite two-week stay thinking it will be easily extended because his relatives have achieved the American Dream of working hard and becoming wealthy. Upon arriving, he learns that his relatives reached a decidedly more middle-class version of the American Dream. Their home is modest and instead of owning a huge department store it turns out they once owned a convenience store that was sold years earlier. The story confronts the gap that exists between promises of hard work leading to success sold to foreigners and the long odds facing anyone in America who tries to follow that path.

The Power of Optimism

At the center of this story of realities shattering dreams is Shelley. He is a character that can alternately be described as hopelessly gullible and charmingly optimistic. Most significant to his characterization is Shelley's carefree approach both pursuing his dreams and dealing with less attractive realities. Rather than allowing the facts of the immigrant experience in America to dampen his enthusiasm and self-censor his dreams, he simply moves with a happy-go-lucky approach from expectation to disappointment and back again. Shelley is a portrait of the power of optimism. He refuses at every turn to stop trying to find a way to charm his way into achieving his goals. Sometimes he succeeds and more often he fails, but the thematic core of his being to simply to never give up.

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