Teacher Guide

The Cellist of Sarajevo Lesson Plan

Relationship to Other Books

For other books by Steven Galloway, see: Finnie Walsh (2000); Ascension (2003); and The Confabulist (2014).

For further novels about the Bosnian War, consider: Goodbye Sarajevo: A True Story of Courage, Love and Survival by Atka Reid and Hana Schofield; Zlata's Diary by Zlata Filipović; Girl at War: A Novel by Sara Novic; and The Siege of Sarajevo: One Family's Story of Separation, Struggle, and Strength by Sanja Kulenovic.

Other scholarly work focusing on the Siege of Sarajevo: Blue Helmets and Black Markets: The Business of Survival in the Siege of Sarajevo by Peter Andreas; The Siege of Sarajevo: 1992-1996 by Amir Telibećirović and Sabaha Čolaković; and Sarajevo Under Siege by...

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