The Bronze Bow Imagery

The Bronze Bow Imagery

The strength of Jesus

Upon looking at Jesus, Daniel’s immediate impression is of his strength. He thinks to himself how strong Jesus is, yet his bodily strength is no match for an ordinary fisherman. Daniel notices that his strength comes from within, from the air that surrounds him, of the vitality that it produces. In contrast to Rosh, the strength of Jesus doesn’t come from the physical strength and promise of war, but from love and compassion.

Imagery of sunrise as Daniel sets out to Capernaum

Promising to Rosh that he will find Joel for him, Daniel sets out to Capernaum before dawn for the search. The description of the sunrise that is in the background of Daniel’s travel indicates a big change that will happen in his life. “In the east yellow glow began to gather, sending out long spears of pink and pale amethyst. From the olive groves came the song of a lark, rising to a thin clear sweetness against the pearly sky.”

Sounds of the old home

Daniel returns to Leah and his grandmother upon receiving a message that his grandmother is dying. He finds the old woman barely holding any life inside her, as is she was holding onto life waiting for him to come. Spending the night there he notices the small sounds of the home, the sounds of the breathing of the old woman, the hiss of the wick, the wheezing of the old goat and the sounds of the small creatures that inhabited the house. This description of the sounds in the home are important because Daniel easily notices when one of the sounds disappears-the sound of the grandmother breathing.

The Song of David

Daniel, Thacia, and Joel make a vow to fight for God’s justice together. They fortify this vow with the symbolism of the bronze bow from the Song of David:

“He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.”

This imagery of the bronze bow appears throughout the novel as a symbol of their friendship and promise, as well as relentless will to fight for the justice.

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