The Breakfast Club

Example of five definitions from Skinner theory for any character from the Breakfast Club. AlsoExplain how or why using key terms from the definition. You may make inferences here.

the example from movie Breakfast club

Definitions form skinner's theory (Operant condition, Reinforcer, Operant, Extinction, Conti reinforcer, Variable schedule, Shaping, Aversive stimulus, B-mod, Token economy)

also example about the way to answer:


Id: part of the unconscious, or instinct or drive that insists on immediate satisfaction to experience a pleasure.

Andrew demonstrates the Freudian concept of Id through his actions.

First example is that Andrew smokes to fit in. Another one is that he tortures kid to impress his father regardless of consequences. So he thinks he is cool.In addition, the young guy is angry and can even be very aggressive. He might be quick to aggression. According to Freud, Andrew is giving in to his primal urges; he threatens to fight Bender multiple times. Every time when masculinity is threatened, Andrew threatens to fight.

When it comes to my situation, I also demonstrate avoidance. For example, when I get mad, or when I become overwhelmed with someone or something, I try to avoid the group, I just want to rest and relax. And the best way is to go for a walk or just to isolate myself in my room. At this moment I want to be alone, not to talk to people, to think a little bit and recharged my battery. When I am upset or angry, I can say something bad and my words can offend my friends, or parents or my sisters. Later, I can regret it. However, after walking and being alone for some time, I calm down and can think more clearly. As a result, I can be kind, as well as express myself politely. It seems that after calming down, I can demonstrate appropriate behavior.

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Sorry, although I know the movie well, this is only a short answer space.