The Book of Margery Kempe Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How was sex viewed in the novel?

    Sex was looked at as a metaphor for carnal, therefore, impure desires. The author felt that any sort of physical intimacy between herself and her husband was a chore and/or an obligation as years of religious conditioning had led her to associate sexual activity or even sexual urges, regardless of context, as sinful and therefore a matter to be avoided. Sex, therefore, was equated with sin and her fearfulness towards the act of sex can be equated with a fear of sin.

  2. 2

    Purple is a recurring image in the novel, what does it symbolize and what is its significance to the story?

    The color purple has always been historically associated with nobility and it is no different in the narrative. Margery recalls how Jesus appeared to her and saved her from her sins and madness. She details that when Jesus appeared to her He is garbed in purple. The color of the robes as well as the Wearer is of major significance as it a biblical reference: Jesus’ was robed in purple in the Gospel accounts when He was being mocked by the Roman soldiers for being “King of the Jews” and later on in the book of Revelation when He comes back as a conquering king. The purple clothes are symbolic of Jesus’ nobility and deity.

  3. 3

    How is the theme of sin and forgiveness discussed?

    A recurring theme of forgiveness discussed through Margery example which is ultimately the result of her faith and emulation of the example of Jesus. Margery is treated with considerable cruelty by a number of people, all of whom she decides to forgive completely and hold no resentment towards. In doing so she maintains and fulfills a major tenet of the Christian faith, that is, to follow the example of forgiveness as demonstrated by Jesus Himself, and in following His example she proves the nobility of her character. She takes this difficult path in the hopes that her faith and example would serve to influence others to do the same as she had done.

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