The Belle's Stratagem Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why were women during the time when the action takes place obsessed with the idea of marriage?

    For a long time, the only way a woman could be successful was presumably through marriage. If a woman decided not to get married, then she would have to depend on her male relatives to support her or on her inheritance because women were not expected to work and thus there were little to no opportunities for a woman to support herself financially. The roles a woman was supposed to have was that of a wife and a mother and the women who did not secure a good match for themselves were looked down upon as being not real women or as lacking any type of value. Women were also pressured by their families to get married because in many ways they were a financial burden on their parents. Thus, it is no wonder that many women became obsessed with the idea of getting married and felt as if their only purpose in life is to get married.

  2. 2

    Explain the symbolism behind Frances and Mrs. Racket.

    The two women are used in the play as symbols for the two states of the women in those times. When looking at the historical background when the play was written, it is safe to assume that women found themselves at a crossroad, a time when their situation began to change. In those times, the modern women collided with the traditional ones and the men in the play are unable to choose which one of them they want to have around them. Frances represents the traditional women, the ones who were raised in a way they are happy to be submissive, to take care of their husbands and obey them in any shape or form. Her life was controlled by her father when she was unmarried and then after she got married she became dependent of her husband. Mrs. Racket on the other hand, refuses to submit to the view society has on her and choses instead to follow her dreams. She is told she was supposed to act in a certain way because she was a widow. She does not to act in that way and behaves like an independent woman. Thus, Mrs. Racket is used here as a symbol for the modern woman, the one who wants to be independent.

  3. 3

    What are some of the ways through which Letitia tries to make Doricourt dislike her?

    Letitia plans to make Doricourt dislike her so then she will be able later to make him fall in love with her. First, she behaves in an unladylike manner, running around the house and talking about some gossip she heard. Next, she asks if there are horse people, implying that she is not an intelligent woman. She makes fun of Doricourt when he is too shocked to answer her and mocks his appearance in front of others, making him feel humiliated. Also, Letitia implies that she is no longer a virgin, by talking about the suitors she used to have and how she would use to sneak those suitors inside the house without her father’s knowledge. All these had the purpose of making Doricourt dislike her and event grow disgusted of her.

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