The Baron in the Trees Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Baron in the Trees Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Trees are the main motif connected to the theme of nature and the man's destruction of it. The novel contains descriptions of various tree types and the density of the forest that made it possible to move without touching the ground. Along with the theme of rebellion and consistency in being oneself, the main message could be seen as a criticism to the destruction of trees and nature in general. The narrator talks of the time when it was possible to travel long distances on trees because of the richness of the nature, which seems as a myth at the time of the writing. Axe-loving men leave the ground bare with only tree stumps as witness to the destruction.

Books, storytelling

Important aspect of the novel are the books and the motif of storytelling. It shows how Cosimo, despite his removal from the society, still has a love for books and learning. He goes on to write his own works, papers about the united humanity and nature. He is eager in his storytelling, loving to re-tell his own experiences as well as making up new. The novel itself is told from the perspective of Cosimo's brother in a form of memoir.

Ottimo Massimo

Viola's and later Cosimo's dog becomes a symbol of their undying love and dedication to each other. The dog reconnects them again, creating a path for them to meet. Even though, a part of the story, their love was never meant to be, because Cosimo was too stubborn to get back on the ground, and Viola too stubborn to leave it.

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