The Art of Love Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does Ovid argue makes a woman desirable to men?

    Ovid argues that appearance, fashion, cleanliness and good use of cosmetics make a woman physically attractive. He says that women also must dance, sing, and be gentle and well-read. He advises that women should go to public places regularly in order to meet men. Women should not act jealous and should play hard to get.

  2. 2

    What advice does Ovid give for retaining a woman's affections once they have been won?

    It is all well and good securing a woman's affections, but Ovid also emphasizes the importance of retaining a woman's affections. He argues that potions and physical beauty won't cut it. Instead, a man must be tolerant, gentle and kind, and must never fight with a woman. He must also give her praise and attend to her when she is ill. He must satisfy her sexually and should not let her find out about his mistresses.

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