"Thanda Gosht" and Other Stories Imagery

"Thanda Gosht" and Other Stories Imagery

Mysterious midnight (“Thanda Gosht”)

The event described in the story takes place at night, the image of the night is interlaced with the image of the city: “It was past midnight and a strange and mysterious quietness seemed to have gripped the entire city.” The image is supposed to be opposed to the emotions in the room – which were far from quite. Kalwant is irritated and burned with jealousy, while the city is quite.

Kalwant Kaur (“Thanda Gosht”)

The image of Kalwant is given with the purpose to give an impression of her as of a woman who cannot be trifled with. She is not that kind of a woman who would bear an insult or stayed indifferent: “Kalwant Kaur was a well-built woman with wide hips, large and juggling upright breasts, sharp eyes and voluptuous grayish lips. The structure of her chin signified a strong woman.” The appearance of Kalwant Kaur echoes with her character – with no feelings of regret she kills a man who had preferred another woman.

Morning in the camp (“Khol Do”)

When Sirajuddin woke up in the refugee camp there was chaos all around him. He tried to collect his thoughts: “Sirajuddin lay gazing absent-mindedly at the dusty sky, till he suddenly caught sight of the sun. The warmth of the sun’s rays penetrated every nerve of his body.” But the thought of the previous night “a nightmarish vision rose before his eyes – flames, loot… people running… a station… firing… darkness and Sakina” made him wake up with a start as he did not know where his daughter was. The image of a warm sun above and a terrible vision of the night creates a contrast of emotions as well – though everything seems fine “outside” – the inner state is far from it.

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