Physics (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118486897
ISBN 13: 978-1-11848-689-4

Chapter 22 - Electromagnetic Induction - Focus On Concepts - Page 643: 4


$(a) \phi_1>\phi_2>\phi_3$ flux in face 1 > flux in face 3 > flux in face 2

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$flux = magnetic field \times area \times cos(\theta)$ let the magnitude of magnetic field be B and area be A flux at surface $1 = B \times A \times cos(20)$ flux at surface $1 = 0.9396BA$ flux at surface $2 = B times A \times cos(90)$ flux at surface $2 = 0$ flux at surface $3 = B \times A \times cos(70)$ flux at surface $3 = 0.342 \times BA$ so the ranking of the flux is flux in face 1 > flux in face 3 > flux in face 2
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