Physics (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118486897
ISBN 13: 978-1-11848-689-4

Chapter 18 - Electric Forces and Electric Fields - Check Your Understanding - Page 504: 20


Same amount of electric flux passes through both the surfaces.

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By Gauss Law, flux through a surface is given by: $$\phi = \frac{q_{enc}}{\epsilon_{0}}$$ where $\phi$ is the flux through the surface $q_{enc}$ is the net charge enclosed in the surface For figure (a), $$\phi_a = \frac{q_{enc}}{\epsilon_{0}} = \frac{+2\mu C}{\epsilon_{0}}$$ For figure (b), $$\phi_b = \frac{q_{enc}}{\epsilon_{0}} = \frac{(+1-1+2)\mu C}{\epsilon_{0}} = \frac{+2\mu C}{\epsilon_{0}}$$ So through both the surfaces same amount of electric flux passes.
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