Fundamentals of Physics Extended (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11823-072-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-11823-072-5

Chapter 9 - Center of Mass and Linear Momentum - Problems - Page 252: 61b


The speed of the second cart after impact is $~~1.86~m/s$

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In part (a), we found that the mass of the second cart is $98.7~g$ We can use conservation of momentum to find the velocity of the second cart after impact: $p_f=p_i$ $(340~g)(0.66~m/s)+(98.7~g)~v_{2f}=(340~g)(1.2~m/s)$ $(98.7~g)~v_{2f}=(340~g)(1.2~m/s)-(340~g)(0.66~m/s)$ $v_{2f}=\frac{(340~g)(1.2~m/s)-(340~g)(0.66~m/s)}{98.7~g}$ $v_{2f} = 1.86~m/s$ The speed of the second cart after impact is $~~1.86~m/s$
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