Chemistry: Molecular Approach (4th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0134112830
ISBN 13: 978-0-13411-283-1

Chapter 20 - Exercises - Page 973: 44


(a) Cs-139 (b) Fe-52

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The isotope with mass number close to the molar mass of the element is more stable and therefore it has a longer half-life. (a) Molar mass of Cs is $132.9\,u$. The isotope with mass number close to $132.9$ is Cs-139. Therefore, longer half-life is expected for Cs-139. (b) Molar mass of Fe is $55.845\,u$. The isotope with mass number close to $55.845$ is Fe-52. Therefore, Fe-52 is expected to have a longer half-life.
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