Microbiology: Principles and Explorations 9th Edition

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11874-316-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-11874-316-4

Chapter 11 - Eukaryotic Microorganisms and Parasites - Self Quiz - Page 344: 15


(f, 2) Yellow fever; (a, 3) Rocky Mountain spotted fever; (e, 4) African Sleeping sickness; (f, 2) Dengue Fever; (d, 3, 5) Tularemia; (c, 3, 6) Q fever; (b, 3) Lyme disease.

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Some of the diseases and their causative agent and principal vector are as followed: 1. Yellow fever- Togavirus through mosquitoes; 2. Rocky Mountain spotted fever- Rickettsia ickettsii through Ticks; 3. African Sleeping sickness- Trypanosomes through Tsetse fly; 4. Dengue Fever- Togavirus through mosquitoes; 5. Tularemia- Francisella tularensis through Ticks and fleas; 6. Q fever- Coxiella burnetti through Ticks and mites; 7. Lyme disease- Borrelia burgdorferi through Ticks.
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