Life: The Science of Biology 11th Edition

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1-31901-016-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-31901-016-4

Chapter 9 - Pathways That Harvest Chemical Energy - 9.3 - Oxidative Phosphorylation Forms ATP - 9.3 Recap - Learning Outcomes - Page 184: 2


The energy released from the electron transport chain is used to pump protons from the matrix to the inter-membrane space, reducing H+ ions in the matrix and establishing an H+ gradient and a charge-distribution gradient known as the proton-motive force across the membrane. Protons driven by the proton-motive force diffuse back to the matrix through a channel protein called the ATP Synthase, which couples the diffusion with ATP synthesis.

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The energy released from the electron transport chain is used to pump protons from the matrix to the inter-membrane space, reducing H+ ions in the matrix and establishing an H+ gradient and a charge-distribution gradient known as the proton-motive force across the membrane. Protons driven by the proton-motive force diffuse back to the matrix through a channel protein called the ATP Synthase, which couples the diffusion with ATP synthesis.
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